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Yong Xiang...

Rules and Regulations...1. forget the rules and regs. i dont tag anyone. the 10 people are people ive recently texted, in no particular order.
1. Mr Neoh (my music teacher)
2. Matthew
3. Jia Yit
4. Hayley
5. David Ebborn
6. Carmen Yong
7. Davina
8. Sebastian
9. Moritz
How you know 1? -Mr Neoh
he's my music teacher. had him since i was 5 years old.
What would you do if you never meet 2? -Matt
i would have had to borrow made of honour from someone else. and the season finale of house. =D
What would u do if 3 & 4 dated u? -Jia Yit and Hayley
um, id probably freak out. incest. ew.
Would 5 & 6 make a good couple? -David E and Carmen C
LOL. i highly doubt it. they're so different.
Do u think 7 is attractive? -Davina
mhmm. i guess. im not going into details. she's a girl. im not lezz.
Do u know anything about 8’s family? -Sebastian
they're all pure german. and they all have blue-green eyes, except for sebas, who got his grandfather's brown eyes. i love the colour. like this warm-ish firey brown.
Tell me something about 9. -Moritz
he's blond. gets sun burnt really easily, and laughs at anything and everything.
What language does 2 speaks? -Matt
il parle anglais.
Who is 3 going out with? -Jia Yit
dunno. possibly no one.
How old is 4? -Hayley
When was the last time u talked to 5? -David Ebborn
today at school.
Who is 6 favourite singer? -Carmen Yong
um. barney? lol clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere...
Would you date 7 ? -Davina
like i said, she's a girl. one of my best friends. and im not lezz. so no.
Is 8 single? -Sebastian
yeah. but im not interested. he's more of a brother.
What is 9 last name? -Moritz
michalewski. loving the german names.
Would you consider being in a relationship with 1? -Mr Neoh
ew. what kind of a sick twisted question is this? anyways, we have suspuscions that he's gay.
Which school does 2 go to? -Matt
Chung Ling High School. but before, it was ping hua. =D
What do you like about 3? -Jia Yit
his fishy keychain. haha, he's reliable. nice person to be around.
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