id put a MERRY CHRISTMAS post up, but i reckon its not that personal.
especially since im not even in the country.
i've finished shopping for you guys, so you'll all get a lil' something when i get back. sorry, they're all the same, and it's all edible schtuff.
except for one or two girls.
=D i wonder who the 'chosen' ones will be.
nyah. kidding.
christmas is almost over. =(
but its just the symbolism of what it means that's the important bit.
i mean, Jesus wasnt REALLY born on the 25th. i dont think there was even the month of August then. so as long as we know and are thankful for the meaning of christmas, technically we should be getting christmas everyday. yes??
no. i guess cos then we'll lose the anticipation leading up to it. ah well.
me, im looking forward to the boxing day sales. the shops open at 5. yes, 5. am. AM. malaysian time, its 2am, when most of you guys will still be up partying.