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in the public library

for some reason, i cant change the colour of the font. so i guess you'll be stuck with BORING purple.
sorry guys.
but hey, i'll make it up to you. photos!! =] (well, two only, but hey, better than none)

(my sister's clay creation that she dropped. it had corrective surgery and now looks something like my cousin.kidding.)

(taken on the way to my grandparent's place from the airport.oi loiyk vis photo, except my stupid hand is in the way.)
oh yeah, you see that small dot under my lip? guess what it is. =D
yes, dudes and dudettes...
*drum roll*
i know there are people who dont believe me, but i'll post some more photos soon with a better view. lol, view.
daniel, eat your heart out.
yeah,i realised the post thingy ws on 'edit HTML' mode. which is why i couldnt change the colours. stupid moi.
but now i can. whoopeee.
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