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My firstest blog.

okay...first post..

what we do in english class..we get so bored that we made up our own game..each person writes 5 words, and tells a story. here's what happened.


the impossible orange.
"kapow!" he spontaneosly combusted next to a broken drumset. This was completely normal in the secret society of retarded sugar cubes.Then a fluffy pigmy armadillo climbed through an orange, so that he tasted pigmylicious! The orange was appalled. "Grrrr...ARGHHH...vroom, vroom Bang "Kapow!" the orange spontaneously combusted, next to a broken drumset. Was it to blame? find x. There it is! so, moving on. a castle appeared on a television screen in Oklahoma, Milwaukee. Everyone was happy. Then, it vanished and reappeared inside one of the orange teapots with flower decor."poke" said the teapot. "ahh" said the giant bubble as it break danced its way toward the castle. An orange army ate its way hrough the massively, gargantuanly, impossibly, largely small kiwi, and attacked the bubble. One orange rolled forwards and struck a pose. Squish! went its friend. The bubble was absorbed by the orange and flew to san francisco. It made love with and impossible orange, that was spiky and turquoise, speckled with orange square dodecahedrons. OMG!

yeah..that's a normal day in english...Okonkwo!!! :]

and i got tagged!!! sux. to quote nigahiga.. STOP TOUCHING ME!!! (yeah, i do have problems)
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